Saturday, February 9, 2013

Children's Corner: My First Book of Saints

Today in the Children's Corner, I am reviewing My First Book of Saints written by Kathleen M. Muldoon and Susan Helen Wallace, FSP with illustrations by Tom Kinarney and Patricia R. Mattozzi. This book is published by Pauline Books and Media and is intended for children ages 5-7. It is also a compilation of the six volume series, "Little Book of Saints."

In this book, you and your child(ren) will discover 60 saints spanning the entire history of the Church. In this book, your child will find saints they recognize, i.e., Sts. Mary, Joseph, Nicholas, Benedict, and Paul. They will also find saints they might never have the chance to hear about i.e., Sts. Sharbel Makhluf, Pedro de San Jose Betancur, Paul Miki. Each saint chapter spans two pages. On the first page, your child gets their biography, when they lived, where they lived, their feast day, and a short one line prayer addressed to the saint. On the second page is a full color picture of them with a key object associated with the saint. For example, St. Peter is shown with the Key to the Kingdom.

I love reading about the lives of saints, and I believe it is very important to not only make sure your children hear and read Scripture, but also about hear and read about the Saints. They are excellent role models for your children to aspire to emmulate, and they are also great intercessors for your children and their prayers. What I like the most about this book is the variety of saints from different centuries and different countries. What I dislike  the most about this book is the organization. There is none. I wish this book would have been organized chronologically either by when the saints lived or by how the specific saint's feast day falls in the Church calendar. For this reason, I am giving this book 4 out of 5 stars.

This review was written as part of the Catholic book reviewer program from The Catholic Company. Visit The Catholic Company to find more information on My First Book of Saints. The Catholic Company is the best resource for gifts for every Sacrament celebration, such as First Communion gifts and Baptism gifts, as well as a great selection of limited-time Year of Faith gifts and resources.

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