Monday, August 1, 2016

Mother of the Redeemer (Pauline Books and Media)

On March 25, 1987, Pope John Paul II, released one of his greatest encyclicals - Redemptoris Mater or Mother of the Redeemer. This marked the 2000 anniversary of the birth of Jesus and helped prepare for the coming millennium. To celebrate the 25th anniversary of this encyclical, Pauline Books and Media released a special anniversary edition with commentary by Sr. Jean Frisk.

The text is presented in its entirety with each portion concluding with three sections - Ponder, Pray, and Act. in the Ponder section Sr. Frisk presents the reader with reflections on Jesus, Mary, the Church, and Pope John Paul II. She also provides questions for reflection. The Pray section contains an original prayer that is both personal for Sr. Frisk and appropriate for all. The final section, Act, provides a very brief directive. For example, "When you have no will to get up, remember love's first glow, rest in it, examine God's personal call to you in your vocation, renew it, and be the first to love again."

As someone who grew up Southern Baptist and converted to Catholicism, Mary was always my biggest stumbling block. I've read many books on her and I don't doubt her importance in salvation history, but I am still working on developing a more personal relationship with her. I believe it will come in time, and I believe I am making progress, but it is slow going, but the best things in life usually are. The words of Pope John Paul II on Mary show a great devotion and love for her and have helped me inch closer in my relationship with her. If you would like to read the words of a great saint on an even greater saint, then I recommend you pick up a copy of Mother of the Redeemer.

This book was provided to me for free by Pauline Books and Media in exchange for an honest review. If you found this review helpful, please click here and hit Yes!

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