Friday, November 9, 2012

Catholic Religious Education - The Holy Spirit

Well, I'm behind in teaching this year, because of that week I missed. Last week wasn't that great having my aide teach. She didn't prepare at all, and isn't a very good aide at all. She also told me she regrets assisting 7th Grade and wishes she had taken a younger grade, so looks like I am stuck with a less than eager aide. This Sunday we are going to learn about the Holy Spirit. To me Joseph and the Holy Spirit have a lot in common as they are the most overlooked member of their trios, the Holy Family and the Holy Trinity respectively.

  • Preparation for the Lesson
    • Bring the Annunciation, Baptism, and Pentecost Icons 
    • Write the question on page 62 on the board.
    • Have the students write their responses on a scrap of paper, fold it, and turn it in up front.
    • Then have the students read page 63 and do the activity.
  • Introduction
    • Good morning. Today we are going to talk about the Third Person of the Trinity – The Holy Spirit. Before we discuss what is written on the the board, I would like you to turn to page 61 and begin with the opening prayer.
      • You will respond to All.
    • Okay! While waiting for class to start, I had y'all answer the question on the board and write a response to the question on page 63.
    • While I add up your responses, I want someone to tell me what you would tell All Quizzed Out to do.
      • Let students discuss it and say if they agree or disagree.
      • If disagree, explain what they would say.
      • Write % to answers on the board.
      • Review results
  • Chapter 6
    • Now I would like you to turn into your books to page 64 and we will begin reading.
      • Let's talk about the word prophet.
      • What does it mean?
      • Who were some of the OT prophets?
    • What about the word Messiah?
      • Who is that referring to?
      • In the Old Testament, there are 300 references or prophecies referring to the Coming of Jesus and he fulfilled all of them.
    • Like Christianity today has many denominations and many different beliefs, there were many types of Jews in Jesus' day and each of them were expecting a different kind of Messiah.
      • Some expected a Warrior to overthrow Rome.
      • Some expected a Politician.
      • Others were looking for a King to rule like David.
      • It's no wonder that so many Jews back then rejected Jesus because what they wanted in a Messiah and what they got were two different things.
    • Now let's get back to the text on page 65.
      • Hold up the icons of the Annunciation and the Baptism and pass them around.
      • Explain how each of them show the Holy Spirit coming down from Heaven.
    • Let's read page 66 now.
      • Pass around the Pentecost Icon and point out the tongues of fire.
      • Ask when we celebrate Pentecost in the Church?
      • 50 days after Easter. It marks the close of the Easter Season.
    • Ask what two Sacraments are associated with us receiving the Holy Spirit?
      • Baptism
      • Confirmation
    • Also point out the confidence the Apostles now have.
      • Say Peter got up and started preaching the Gospel to all. This was the same Apostle that denied Jesus three times.
      • Explain that with the Holy Spirit, we are capable of doing anything for God.
    • Let's finish by reading page 67.
      • The Holy Spirit is still present today in the Church.
      • People try and criticize the Catholic Church or say that we are responsible for bad things that happened for 2000 years.
      • Some of that is true, but people forget that the Church is made up of human people, and all humans are sinners.
      • However, we rely on a higher power than man. And even though bad people come into the Church and do bad things, we're still here and going strong 2000 years later.
      • The Church is a Hospital for Sinners and not a Hotel for Saints.
    • I want you to take your remaining time and work on making a pamphlet for younger kids.
      • In it you will explain the following:
      • Who is the Holy Spirit?
      • What are some symbols of the Holy Spirit?
      • What happened at Pentecost?
      • When do we receive the Holy Spirit?
    • If any of you have younger siblings, share it with them. If you don't have younger siblings, share it with older ones, parents, or classmates.

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