Saturday, April 13, 2013

Children's Corner: Brother Francis Presents Let's Pray! (DVD)

Well, I think I am finally getting back on a normal blogging schedule. My wife and I had an unexpected arrival last week, so things have been hectic to say the least! From sleeping in hospital foldout chairs/couches to staying awake to make sure our sweet boy is still breathing, there have been a lot of sleepless nights. It's all worth it though, and it's amazing to see such BIG personality in such a tiny frame. :)

Today in the Children's Corner, I have another Brother Francis DVD to review. As you recall, I reviewed #2 in the series, The Bread of Life, several weeks ago. Well, I am finally getting the chance to review #1 Let's Pray! Like other DVDs in the Brother Francis series, the animation is a mixture of 2-D and 3-D. I liked the sports metaphor at the beginning of the DVD as it relates to prayer. Like sports or anything else you want to be good at it, you have to practice it every day, and that is especially true for prayer! Brother Francis also helps dispel the myth that prayer is boring. This is an important concept for children and adults to remember.

If you happen to see any of the other four Brother Francis DVDs, you can definitely tell this was the first creation in the series as it tends to lean more toward music than story to get the message across. Don't get me wrong; I did enjoy the cute songs, and they definitely are a great way of teaching children to pray. With only 21 minutes on the DVD, all the songs left very little room for stories, which happened to be my favorite part. I love that children get to learn about saints and having them learn about St. Thérèse of Lisieux and her "Little Way."

Overall, I would give this DVD 4 out of 5 stars. It was a well done DVD, but I would have liked a little less music and the DVD length to be a bit longer. With 5 programs so far in the series, there are still endless possibilities on the topics that Brother Francis could teach our children. Hopefully, I'll get a chance to collect them all. For a preview of the video see below, and if you found this review helpful, please click this link and hit the Yes button. Thanks as always!

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